A cold and flu medicine with potential for abuse, sometimes called “Triple C’s,” has gained attention recently, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Triple C’s stands for Coricidin® HBP Cough & Cold, a brand of over-the-counter medication. Another term for misusing DXM is “robo-tripping,” which involves the name-brand cold and cough medicine Robitussin®. Other street names for dextromethorphan include CCC, Triple C, DXM, Dex, Poor Man’s PCP, Skittles, and Robo. Triple C refers to the over-the-counter cold medication Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold, a brand of cough and cold medicine containing the active ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM).
Our facility in San Jose, California, offers a comprehensive approach to treatment, including specialized addiction treatment for young adults. Yes, the Triple C’s can be extremely dangerous, especially when misused. The psychological dangers are equally alarming, with users potentially experiencing intense hallucinations, severe disorientation, and psychosis.
Individuals with a long history of abusing the drug may need professional drug addiction treatment to overcome mental reliance and behavioral problems. Acetaminophen – Triple C contains large doses of the painkiller acetaminophen. While one of the safest drugs on the market, Acetaminophen causes liver damage at doses over 4000 mg. That’s important, considering just one Maximum Strength CCC pill has 300 mg of acetaminophen. So, a teen taking just half a package (or 100 mg of dex) would be exceeding their daily limit of acetaminophen. Dextromethorphan (DXM), a key ingredient in many different kinds of cough medicine, cough syrup, and suppressants like Coricidin, is not classified as a narcotic.
Acetaminophen – Triple C contains this analgesic in significant quantities. Despite being one of the safest medications available, acetaminophen causes liver damage at levels exceeding 4000 mg. This is noteworthy because one Maximum Strength CCC tablet contains 300 mg of acetaminophen. If a teenager took only half a package, they would take more acetaminophen than is recommended daily (or 100 mg of dex). Since this over-the-counter medication is so accessible at drug stores, overcoming addiction can be challenging. Research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that in 2022, millions were misusing cough and cold medicines.
Patterns of abuse vary but commonly involve repeated use to maintain the high and escape triple cs drug reality, leading to a cycle of abuse and dependency. Understanding these patterns and the demographics most at risk is crucial in addressing this growing concern. Coricidin Cough & Cold can provide temporary relief from symptoms of colds and upper-respiratory allergies, such as runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. Some Coricidin Cough & Cold products are specially for people with high blood pressure.
The development of tolerance is another significant concern, as it leads users to consume increasingly higher doses, thereby escalating the risk of an overdose and long-term harm. The Triple C’s are a brand of medication that primarily treats cough and cold symptoms. Their main ingredient, dextromethorphan (DXM), is effective as a cough suppressant when used as directed. Although 15 states have banned the sale of dextromethorphan products to minors, teens continue to misuse the drugs for their hallucinogenic effects. To prevent your child from abusing triple C, it is important to understand the dangers of DXM medicines. When people talk about Triple C, they’re referring to the Coricidin Cough & Cold brand of medicine.
The immediate physical signs of triple C abuse can look like symptoms of many other addictions, so it is essential to be aware of its signs. According to a 2008 article published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, over-the-counter drugs are often misused and abused by young people. The pleasurable effects of DXM misuse can also lead to psychological dependence. The term originated from the brand name Robitussin, a popular cough syrup that contains DXM. While therapeutic doses typically do not cause adverse effects, misuse at high doses can lead to significant physical and psychological effects.
But as a hallucinogen, it can produce feelings of delusion, euphoria, and a host of mild-severe side effects when misused. For more guidance on addressing suspected Triple C misuse and exploring treatment options for teens, Iris Wellness Group is here to assist. Reach out to our advisors today for support tailored to your family’s needs and learn more about our teen Triple C drug treatment program in Chattanooga, TN. The abuse of Triple C has been an issue since these products first became available over-the-counter in the 1960s. Legally available, Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold’s appeal for misuse stems from its DXM content, capable of inducing effects similar to PCP and ketamine when consumed in large doses. Those abusing Triple C often take significantly more than the advised amount, chasing hallucinogenic and dissociative highs that can persist for up to six hours.
However, some common methods of treatment include detoxification and rehabilitation. Most dextromethorphan medications have an average of six hours of active time. The main active ingredient in Triple C, dextromethorphan, reduces coughing and produces a high. In some pill variations, the dosage of the active component may reach 10mg. A popular over-the-counter treatment for colds and coughs is Triple C, often referred to as dextromethorphan or Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold.
Like most OTC drugs, DXM is not governed by the Controlled Substance Act. While they might be less harmful and less potent than illegal street drugs or strictly regulated prescription pharmaceuticals, they carry some risks. In a 2023 case study, a 19-year-old consumed 111 tablets of DXM, resulting in shock and convulsions. This situation involved mental health concerns, showcasing the importance of a dual diagnosis assessment. Rehab can be an essential, yet expensive, first step in leading a healthy, sober life.